Linking up with Teacher Gems to share tips and tricks!
Conferring Notes
I have two magnetic folder bins for my conferring notes. You can get them from Lakeshore Learning for $12.99 each.
One is for Reader's Workshop and the other is for Writer's Workshop. I have a separate folder for each student. I prefer individual conferring notes to whole class ones- personal preference. I can just pull the first one, confer and put it in the back. That allows me the assurance that I'm meeting with every kid.

I use this sheet for conferring during Reader's Workshop. Under Reading Behaviors, I do a quick running record. Under Comprehension Strategies, I write about the strategy they're working on and how it's going. Finally, the teaching point is what I want them to work on in their reading.
I use this sheet for conferring during Writer's Workshop. The research phase is where you ask the students "How's it going?" It allows them to tell you what is going on with their writing. After that, the teacher takes the lead and teaches. Maybe the students needs to focus on something in particular or a trait needs to be addressed. Finally, next steps is what you want the students to take away. What should you be seeing in their writing as a result of this conference?
The images are from FableVision Learning. I just love Peter Reynolds art!
When reading someone's website, it's nice to leave a comment. Here is a way to leave your comment and your blog address so that they can then go visit you!
Here is how you can make a hyperlink in a comments box.
Just type <a href="web address you're linking to">text you're link from</a>
as in: <a href="">LisaTeachR'sClassroom</a>
My example would like this:
Happy commenting!
Number Strings
Number strings are a set or sets of number related clues that students use to solve a problem. It helps students see relationships between numbers and make generalizations.Here is an one example:
2 x 5 =
4 x 5 =
8 x 5 =
16 x 5 =
32 x 5 =
48 x 5 =
48 x 50 =
Have students solve and ask what is the relationship between the problems? How does knowing the answer to one help with the others? Can you plot the problems on a number line?
Here is a different type of number string:
Start with the number of hours in a day.
Divide it in half.
Divide that into thirds.
Multiply that by 2.
What did you get?
Stress listening and mental math skills when doing this type of number string. Ask them to justify their answer to a classmate. Make sure to point out different ways students approached the problem.
Hope these tips were useful!!

Fourth Grade Teacher in California!
Fourth Grade Teacher in California!
Twitter: @Lisa_teacher
Twitter: @Lisa_teacher
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