Schools closed: To the teachers...
My school district has closed for at least two weeks. How about yours?
I know it's scary. I'm scared too. But we have to put our kids first. One thing we can do now and keep doing during this frightening time is to make a connection with our kids. With groups of no more than 10 that can congregate, face to face is out of the question. Video is a great option. I know we may not like our voices or how we look on video but it's not about you. It's about the kids. It is so comforting to them to see their favorite teacher in some form. Let's talk about options...
- Your schools Learning Management System (lms). At our district, we use Schoology and there is a conference option teachers can use. Check with your district.
- Facebook. Facebook Live is super easy to use. You can use your school web page if you have one or create a class page.
- Class Dojo. Do you have a Class Dojo page? You can do video with your class there!
- Instagram stories. If your kids follow you on IG, stories is another way to interact with them.
I'm sure there are many other platforms you can use. The point is just jump in the pool. Really, it will be helpful and reassuring to your kids who need this right now. Here is a link to my first attempt. Not great but the kids appreciated it and that's all that matters.