Manhattan Beach CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp- Last Day!
Manhattan Beach CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp- Last Day!
Today was the last day of CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp! I met so many great people and learned a ton of techie tips and tricks to get my year rolling. O.K., here is my learning for today!
Turn your students' into digital literacy superstars! by Alice Chen
So basically, we learned how to make a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. You needed to start with a storyboard because it can get pretty complicated when figuring out which slide connects to what. Alice started us off with a template:
The template had the text, the images which connected to other slides in the text and a mask. It was sort of complicated and I didn't get much done because I was distracted by...
Storybird allows you to create beautiful stories with ready made art. It works on any device and is free for teachers. The art itself is so beautiful that it inspires you to write.
Here is the example Alice made: Click here.
Interactive Videos by Nancy Minocozzi
Adding an interactive component to videos increases student engagement and leads to deeper understanding and better retention. Learn how easy it is to make "choose your own adventure" videos using Google Presentations and the YouTube video editor.
You will need a laptop or Chromebook for this session. Unfortunately, interactive videos are not mobile-friendly for making or viewing.
Log in to your Google account. You are going to use YouTube through your Google account.
Tools needed:
- Screencastify Chrome extension
- YouTube Creator Studio app
- Google Presentations
Making Your Own Video
- Decide subject matter.
- Create flowchart. Each choice = new video. Storyboarding is very important.
Create and upload the videos
- Make slides to use as the visuals for the videos. Include at least one question (yes/no, true/false, or multiple choice). For our videos today, the following slide should show the correct answer. If you are making a more complex series of videos, it is better to create a separate video for each answer choice. (See below.)
- Create your first video. You will be doing a screencast of yourself narrating as you move through your slide presentation. I used Screencastify to record myself. Make sure to tell them to choose an answer.
- Remember to leave a couple of seconds at the beginning and the end of the narration.
- After the pause, move to the answer slide and congratulate the student for answering correctly. If you did not provide instruction in your video, you will want to give a quick explanation of why that answer is the correct one.
- Create your second video (the one viewers will see if they select the incorrect answer). Provide your explanation and any reteaching, then offer a slide they can click to try again.
- Upload the videos to YouTube. If there are several of them, it is helpful to create a playlist.
- Make your first video public and set the others as unlisted. Make a note of each video’s URL.
Add annotations
- Move to the point in your video where you ask the question. Add an annotation for EACH answer choice at the beginning of your pause.
- Link each annotation to the appropriate video.
- For the correct answer, the annotation should link to the main video (i.e. the same one you are working on), but at the end of the silence after the question. You will need to enter the correct time in the “Start linked video at” box under the box for the link.
- The video for the incorrect answers should have a link to your second video.
- Save your changes.
- Select your second video and choose Edit > Annotations.
- Add an annotation at the end that links back to your first video.
- If you provided instruction in the first video, set the annotation to link back to it.
- If you chose to provide instruction/reteaching in your second video, set the annotation to link back to the first video just before you ask your question.
Watch your video and go through all the answer choices to make sure everything works as you want it to. If you have a lot of students who are on mobile devices, you may want to add links to the connected videos in the description section of each video.
**When I made mine, I didn't want to create a quiz. Instead, it's a way to assign work. If they choose the first answer, they need to make a Prezi on the ethics of zoos. If they choose answer two, they need to make a Blendspace about the threats to gorillas in the wild. If they choose answer three, they need to create a story on Storybird. I designed it as a pre-reading activity for The One and Only Ivan. Here is the link: http://youtu.be/iwJ6C8XpqpE
I was so lucky! I helped Julieanne and she gave me the prize she won! I got a copy of SnagIt! Woo hoo!!!Thanks, @jarhartz!!
Thank you to all the faculty at Rock Star Teacher Camp. I learned so much in three days. Best $ and brain cells every spent!
The One and Only Ivan
Manhattan Beach CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp- Day 2!
Welcome to my blog for notes on my learning at theManhattan Beach CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp- Day 2!
Make something ARmazing
John Stevens
Before you do anything else, please download Aurasma from the App Store!
What is Augmented Reality?
-- Trigger Image, must be static, something that doesn't change
-- Overlay, which can be a video
-- Comparison to QR codes
How does it work?
--Click the plus sign, you need to make an overlay first. Make a video e.g. a students explaining setting
---Go to device, the click camera if you're recording a new video or photo album if it's already created
-- Click Use video and name it, Select it
--Then capture your trigger image, remember choose a static image that is not likely to change or move
--create it!, name it, put it into your class channel
-- Lighting
-- Holding steady
-- Having good enough WiFi available
How do we create our own?
-- Create a channel for your class
-- Make it public -Possibly for school-wide things- parent teacher conference, principal message
-- Share it with students
-- Choose/Create an overlay
-- Choose/Create a trigger
-- Add it to a channel
-- Finish
WHY??? (from a Teacher-Centered standpoint)
-- Easter Eggs for student handouts
-- Easter Eggs for student handouts
-- Assisting students from anywhere
-- Assistance for students with an IEP (can explain more clearly for students and they listen on headphones), visual processing disorders, and much more
-- Back to School Intro
-- Parent-Teacher Conference warm-up
WHY??? (from a Student-Centered standpoint)
-- Verbal clarification of mastery
-- Video clarification of mastery
-- multiple opportunities for explanation on one sheet of paper
-- Book reports?
-- Storytelling
My try!
Scan this image using the Aurasma app. Make sure to go to my channel: Mrs. Robles' Classroom!
Hurray for Hollywood!
By Alice Chen
You are going to shoot videos, take pictures, and make movies! Are you ready? It's gonna be fun!
So cool!!
Bring Lesson Plans into the 21st Century
Kate Petty
A Multimedia Text Set always has:
- an image
- a title
- a workflow
Basically, you create a Google Doc. Then add a title, picture, and workflow. Add a table. On the left, add tasks with hyperlinks. On the right, the student's thinking. Here is a list of multimedia resources.
How can it be used in the classroom/multi-media text set?
Can link things to images
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Storyboarding, discussions
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Document creation and collaboration
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Powerpoint like presentations and collaboration
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Create forms and quizzes
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Discovery Education
Saddleport > Discovery Education
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Ted talks
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Teacher lessons, already curated
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All images are free to use
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Post ten QR codes that they go scan with a task. Put up a post it note, ask a question, draw a picture etc
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ListenEdition: NPR Lessons
Actual NPR broadcasts, great for High School because of the vocab
BookTrack: Adds a soundtrack to books- willing to take suggestions for additions- FREE
It’s a soundtrack that plays as you read. If there is a river, you’ll hear water. Students can create their own story and create their own soundtrack. Ideas like mood and tone become clear to the students. Great for nature stories.
StorylineOnline.net: SAG recordings of popular children’s stories- YouTube based
Stories read by celebrities.
Non Youtube-based Math and ELA videos. Aligned to common core.
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Current events in clean formats and can be adapted to different lexiles. Individualized.
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Lesson plans for environment and science-based lessons
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Data Sets (Math and Science)- It’s actually interesting! Real world applications.
Create interactive lessons with quiz, narration, and audio enhancements. Similar to Gooru
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Augmented reality app
Great for close reading
Cleans up articles for easier reading
Readability Index Calculator
Paste text and get grade level alignment
For grading
For merging sheets and docs. Great for making personalized letters and certificates.
To create your blogs
Here is my first attempt at a Multimedia Text Set!
I hope this is helping you learn a lot too! Tomorrow is Day 3...the last day! More notes tomorrow!!
Tips and Tricks
Book Talk Tuesday!
Lilly's Big Day
Kevin Henkes
Book Talk Tuesday,
Craft moves
Manhattan Beach CUE Rock Star learning today....
CUE stands for Computer Using Educators!
Today I am at the CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp. Here are some notes from the sessions I went to:
Close Reading by Jen Roberts @jenroberts1
Today I am at the CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp. Here are some notes from the sessions I went to:
Close Reading by Jen Roberts @jenroberts1
What is it?
- use short passages
- students collaborate
- discussion is key
- annotate when needed
- it's about deep questioning and deep understanding
Nowadays can use google docs
- vocabulary? just right-click on a word
- Ask: What do you need help with? Individualize the learning
- Key question: What’s your text evidence?
How do we choose which sections/short articles to close read:
- What standard do I want to focus on?
- turning point in the story
- character developments
Tech tools you can use with close reading!!
Pump up the portfolio! by John Stevens
Free, Web and App
Create documents to share
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Freemium, App and Web
Import articles and add questions
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Freemium, Web
Current news articles with adjustable lexile levels.
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Free, chrome extension
Cleans up articles to make reading easier.
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Free, Web
Paste in text and get an approximate grade level
Pump up the portfolio! by John Stevens
O.K., ok, I showed up halfway through so I missed all the stuff about the portfolio BUT I learned about some cool tools.
Log in to Google docs and then Sheets. Go to Add-ons and then click Get Add-ons. Two really cool ones we learned about was Doctopus, which allows you to push out docs to your kids. Another one is Flubaroo, which is for easy grading.
That's the autoCrat robot. I liked AutoCrat the best! It allows you to easily merge spreadsheets with docs. That way you can make personalized letters and certificates. Sooo cool! I can't really give you more details as I'm still learning but try it out!!
That's the autoCrat robot. I liked AutoCrat the best! It allows you to easily merge spreadsheets with docs. That way you can make personalized letters and certificates. Sooo cool! I can't really give you more details as I'm still learning but try it out!!
Blogging 101 by Katy Petty @techclassroom
I'm in the middle of it but I'll share what I've learned. First, if you're using blogs for yourself, use blogger. If using it with kids (especially elementary), think about Kidblogs. You have to approve each post so it's well curated.
Some uses for student blogging:
- writing
- reflection
- specific topics
- 20 time
- Genius hour
Check out your dashboard overview! Know where traffic is coming from and how many hits you're getting. If most of your traffic is coming from your tech posts, post more tech stuff. Layout allows you change the layout (duh!). Template allows you to customize background and fonts. Still couldn't figure out how to change the font of the actual post-Any help out there?!?
Katy Petty's resources:
- Education Week: The Benefits of Blogging
- YouTube: Blogging in Education
- Free Technology for Teachers: Chart- Comparison of Educational Blogging Platforms
- The EduBlog Awards
That's what I learned today! I'll blog more tomorrow-It's a three day camp.
Close Reading,
Tips and Tricks
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