My Top Three Digital End of the Year Projects
For me, it's about keeping the kids busy or they go WILD! My top 3 tips for surviving the end of the school year and keeping myself and my students sane...go digital. My kids love working on the computer. EdTech is the way to go!
Interactive Digital Bulletin Board
- Padlet is a free to create and collaborate together. Why not use it to create and interactive bulletin board? Put a question in the middle: What is your favorite moment from ___th grade? or What advice do you have for incoming __th graders? Students can add comments and pictures. Or you can add pictures and let them add comments.
End of year survey
- You've all heard of Kahoot!, right? I know you're thinking of it for games right? Well, not use it as a fun way to survey your kids? Ask them what worked, what didn't, you'll get a lot of useful information that will help with planning your next year. And's free. I don't like paying more for stuff if I don't have to.
Google My Maps
- I know everyone has heard of Google maps but MyMaps is different. It's a way to create and share custom maps. There are a lot of ways to integrate it into lessons. In this case kids will be using it to create a map about Memorial Day. They have three project choices: one about the Civil War, one about current celebrations and one about overseas deployments. After they choose one to focus on, they research! Then they create a Google MyMap. Students can do it independently or collaboratively. I included directions on how to use MyMaps and how to find it! Students will need Google accounts to have access to GAFE (Google Apps for Education).Have fun and enjoy! Great activity to close out the school year and build more appreciation for Memorial Day and our troops' service. All the directions are here. It's free on TPT.
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