Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas
Hosted by Focused on Fifth
If You Give a Reindeer a Root Beer...
Studying Circular Plot Structure
Have your students learned about circular tales?
A circular plot is a plot that follows a circle. It has various events but comes back to the beginning by the end of the story. An example would be: If you give a mouse a cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff. First, we read a few of her tales. Then kids wrote their understanding of what circular plot structure was.
Then kids wrote their own stories using the frame of "If you give a reindeer a root beer..."
They used the frames to write their own mini-books.
Then they created reindeer crafts.
We put everything together on a bulletin board.
Best of all, we read our stories to Kindergarteners and Second graders. Such a great experience.
If you want the unit and all the printables, go to my TPT store.
Everything is in this unit:
If You Give a Reindeer a Root Beer... Studying Circular Plot Structure
It was a lot of fun. It took us about a week to go from research to publishing to reading the the primary graders. It means so much to the little ones. As we walk the halls, I can hear whispering "those are the big kids who read to us!" I see my kids walking just a little taller. Love it!!
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