I went to a training this week. It was presented by Dr. Harry Cheng - professor at UC Davis and founder of the C-Stem center (Center for Integrated Computing and STEM education). I learned so much!
First, we started with Linkbots. That's the image at the top. T use this, you need to download C-Stem studio. It's free of charge to use. Besides the Linkbots, the platform can be used with Lego Mindstorms, Raspberry Pi and Arduino. They also include RoboSim. You don't have any robots? You can still code and use RoboSim to run the code. The Linkbots are fully functional robots that can even be linked together.
I've done coding and html before but I'd never done Arduino. With this, you are coding with electronics. For me, this was much harder. Partly because it was hard for me to see the tiny, tiny ports and making sure they matched up. I finally got it to work-light up the LED- but it took some doing. Then we created a stoplight with three LED lights and a push button start. I should have taken a picture of that!
So let's say you have no robots but you want to try this out...RoboBlockly is the answer. It's a web-based robot simulation where kids can learn coding and math.
IMHO, if you're just beginning coding, go to Hour of Code or Made with Code. But if you're looking for something deeper, go to C-Stem with Dr. Cheng.
Check out these blogs for more ideas!

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