It's time for a sale at TPT!
And a chance to win $100!!
In case you haven't heard, TpT is having a SITEWIDE SALE on Monday and Tuesday!!! So much fun and lots of savings too. You can get up to 28% off!!
Make sure to use the code: CYBER2016 when you check out!
This has been a best seller for a long time. It's a set of posters to help kids change their thinking from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. And best of all it's $2!
It's so important to teach kids to train their inner voice. We want them to see the possibilities, not the limitations. I laminated these and put them up as a bulletin board to remind students to keep a growth mindset.
Do you need some help with close reading? Here a guide for close reading with the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
It's a wonderful book chronicling Auggie's, a young boy born with facial damage, journey through school and the adjustments he, his family and his classmates have to make.
Close reading is an integral part of teaching with the Common Core. Students need to know how to be analytic when reading texts and poems. I have outlined the components of authentic literacy and what it looks like in the classroom. I formatted the unit as follows. It begins with an explanation of close reading and how to format a lesson. Then, there is a story summary, themes listed and character descriptions. After that, I created focus questions for each chapter. There are explicit gradual release formatted lessons sprinkled throughout. I included a close reading sheet for each of the explicit lessons. You could use the focus questions to create more close reading lessons using the blank templates or for class discussions. At the end, there is a blank sheet for planning and to use with close reading of different chapters. I hope your students enjoy it as much as my students did. This isn't a bunch of worksheets as I don't teach that way. This is for going deep with the literature!
And a chance to win $100!!
In case you haven't heard, TpT is having a SITEWIDE SALE on Monday and Tuesday!!! So much fun and lots of savings too. You can get up to 28% off!!
Make sure to use the code: CYBER2016 when you check out!
It's so important to teach kids to train their inner voice. We want them to see the possibilities, not the limitations. I laminated these and put them up as a bulletin board to remind students to keep a growth mindset.
Do you need some help with close reading? Here a guide for close reading with the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
Another close reading guide is for the novel, Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai.
This is a guide to a close reading of Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai. It's a wonderful book written in free verse chronicling Ha's, a ten year old girl, journey from war-torn Vietnam to Alabama and her problems as a second language learner and with bullying.
Visit the linky from Daisy Designs!
There are a ton of other bloggers you can check out too!
Head on over to my store, LisaTeachR's Classroom.
Remember to use the code CYBER2016 to get the full 28% off!
There are a ton of other bloggers you can check out too!
Remember to use the code CYBER2016 to get the full 28% off!
You can win $100!!
Directions on how to win the FIRST $100 TpT Gift Certificate:
Complete the Rafflecopter Contest Application at the bottom of this post to enter to win the FIRST $100 GIVEAWAY of a TpT Gift Certificate. Click on the link, A RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY, located under "BETTER ODDS THAN VEGAS!!! " to earn the raffle ticket entries. (You may have to wait a minute for it to appear on your computer.) The FIRST $100 GIVEAWAY of a TpT Gift Certificate will end at 11:00 P.M. on December 16, 2016 Pacific Time.
Earn a chance to have 10 bonus entries by clicking the "Bring your friends!" button and share this giveaway with your friends.
Directions on how to win the SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate:
All new members and members who have renewed their membership in The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative from September 8, 2016 - December 22, 2016 at 11:00 P.M. Pacific Time will be entered to win the SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate.
Join more than 200 members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative and work together to market your TpT products.
♦ Get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products by advertising your free products, priced products, sales, and promotions on our blogs (The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, TBOTE II, or TBOTE III.) Our premier blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, has more than 38,000 average daily viewers. Since the LINKS OF ALL OF THE POSTS FROM THE VARIOUS TBOTE BLOGS WILL BE ADVERTISED AGAIN IN ALL OF THE TBOTE BLOGS, your TpT products will be seen by thousands of potential buyers...
♦ Our TpT Sitewide Sale & Holiday Social Media Team and Weekly Social Media Team will help get your TpT products flying all over the Internet.
♦ TBOTEMC Tailwind Tribe members are able to use the magic of Pinterest on a daily basis. Members may place ONE pin a day on our TBOTEMC Tailwind Tribe board. For every pin that is placed on this board, the member will agree to cooperate and repin THREE pins from other members on the board that same day.
♦ Bring more traffic to your personal blog by joining Teacher Talk. Each month, members of this marketing team write a blog post on any educational topic. The links from all of the blog posts are then displayed on all of the team's blogs in addition to The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, TBOTE II, TBOTE III, and our WordPress blog. All of the blog post titles, graphics, "teaser" sentences, and links will be compiled into a free TpT product at the end of each year. Thus, your blog posts will continually be seen for years to come and bring even more traffic to your personal blog and TpT store...
The TBOTEMC annual membership may be purchased at
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The TBOTEMC annual membership may be purchased at
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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