Hello everyone!
It is Finally here!
All of us have been thinking about good ways in which to treat our readers and followers. We thought hard, and I mean it! Really, really hard… and decided that we can treat you to our best ideas to work smarter rather than harder… at school and home!
I know what it takes to be a great teacher, the stress, the time, the energy… I could go on and on! I also know that we crave time to ourselves and our families.
So here I go!
Bathroom magnet board
So I made this magnet board to manage bathroom visits.
When students go, they put their number in the center box. When they return, they put it on the bottom. Students know not to ask if someone is out of the room. It has cut down on interruptions in the classroom!
These are buttons with round labels on them. I got most of the stuff at the .99 cent store and Walmart.

Then I put magnetic tape on the back. I affixed the ribbon with duct tape on the back.
Disneyland Walks
I de-stress with my Disneyland Walks. OK, ok, I know not everyone can do that but you can just take a walk. Get out in the fresh air, get some exercise and de-stress!
GRA and Fish in a Tree
"The premise is simple; we pick a book to read aloud to our students during a set 6-week period and during that time we try to make as many global connections as possible. Each teacher decides how much time they would like to dedicate and how involved they would like to be. Some people choose to connect with just one class, while others go for as many as possible. The scope and depth of the project is up to you. In the past we have used Twitter, Skype, Edmodo, our wiki, email, regular mail, Kidblog, Tackk, and any other tools we can think of to make these connections. Teachers get a community of other educators to do a global project with, hopefully inspiring them to continue these connections through the year. "
Fish in a Tree is told from the point of view of Ally Nickerson. Ally is a really smart girl. She’s so smart she’s been able to fool a lot of people. One day, however, Mr. Daniels comes to substitute for Ms. Hall. He’s able to figure out Ally when no one else could.
Some themes to consider while reading this book: dyslexia, friendship, family, bullying, overcoming adversity, identity, perseverance, and the power of asking for help. I created this close reading guide to help with the close read lessons.
Check it out! Have a great school year!
Top all these great tips and ideas with these top-notch prizes!
A $100 gift card to Amazon

A $50 gift card to TpT
2 $25 gift cards to TpT
1 $10 gift card to TpT
Thank you for reading! And now don't be silly and get your hands all over this awesome giveaway!!

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